Saturday, August 27, 2011

Today was an odd day for me.  I slept about 11 hours last night; I was so excited until I realized I felt pretty bad.  Still feeling out of sorts at the end of the day.Tj worked on the floor in the family room…he did a great job; first time using tile and spacers and it came out great!  He barely had any waste.  We are hoping to grout tomorrow then touch up the molding and put it back up.  Next thing to do is hunt around for furniture…hunting being, if anyone has anything they don’t need we would love to see it.  We cannot put any money into furniture for a spare room at this time.
Justin went for an eye exam yesterday and he is very nearsighted.  He can’t see more than 3’ in front of him.  Broke my heart.  He was so upset that he has to get glasses; I wasn’t sure how to console him.  He looks so darn cute in them.  He said he doesn’t want to look like a nerd. L  He has so many self-confidence issues I’m so afraid this will only make it worse.  I’m not sure how he might react when he finds out he made need braces for his ankles. Anything like this is so hard to deal with.  Although I didn’t need glasses or braces when I was his age, I dealt with self-confidence issues because of my weight.  On top of his weight issues, he has these other things to contend with. 
My running….I feel like I haven’t been doing it!  I was going to run tonight but wasn’t feeling well so no matter what, tomorrow morning it will be.  I spoke to my trainer, Brent, about my running and we decided that I needed to find time during the week to do a run.  I’ve been doing it all on the weekends, sometimes within 12-24 hours of another run.  He explained that the run are designed to do days apart not hours.  The exciting thing about this was that doing this so close together may have been the cause of my leg/knee pain.  So, I’m thinking about doing Saturday or Sunday then Tuesday or Thursday evening. 
I’m getting a bit nervous about the half marathon.  I made a deal with a friend to do this event.  If she did the full I would do the half marathon.  She’s been struggling with injuries so I’m not so sure she can do it.  Crazy how you imagine how you want something go and way before the event everything sort of doesn’t go that way and you begin to stress out.  I need to keep in mind that this has nothing to do with anyone but me. 
The great thing about doing the half is that I set a goal for myself to lose 20lbs by the time it rolled around.  I had a 20 week running plan and am just half way through and have already lost 23 lbs.!  How great is that?  For someone who always “hated” to run I am certainly grateful for it now.  I’m not saying I’ve fallen head over heels in love with it but it had made a tremendous difference in this part of my fitness journey.
Running is something different for me; committing to a half marathon is some serious stuff and takes lots of preparation for someone like me.  The first thing Brent had to teach was actually how to run.  When he showed me the first video he took of me running I could help but laugh.  All’s the video needed was Super Mario music playing in the background. As I lost the weight, I felt the difference in my running so that kept me determined.  Then Brent rolled out a nutrition program August 1st that has kept me on track and extremely accountable.  Lots of little things have played a role in preparation for this event.  So, now that I already reached my weight loss goal of 20 lbs., I set another for an additional 10; so far I lost 3 of that and I am hoping I will have to set a goal in addition to that J
I’m anxious to see how things unfold the next couple of months; even with the few hiccups I’ve experienced with this whole thing, I would say it’s going pretty well so far...but I’m still praying everything else sticks to my imaginary plan.

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