Thursday, August 4, 2011

Holy COW!

Wow...I never ever broke a sweat like I did today!  There were 3 little puddles by the time I was done; I had to clean up the floor before the next group came into workout.  The workout was TOUGH and so painful.  My legs were burning like never before.  I really struggled through it.  I can’t quite push myself through the burn yet, it’s so hard for me not to focus on it. But after all was said and done, it was an awesome workout…that trainer of ours has such a great way of arranging his workouts.  He never lets anything get boring or old.
Today’s workout really stripped me of a lot of stress.  I felt so much better afterwards, I was exhausted, but I felt good. It seems like my recovery time is much slower than usual.  I guess it’s the heat, maybe my age, possibly my weight loss is playing a part it in, I’m really not sure.  And why am I sweating the way I am?  It’s sort of concerns me since I just don’t usually sweat the way I have been lately…it’s pretty nasty.
Well, I decided to do my measurements today.  Holy CRAP!  I cannot believe the difference.  It’s just crazy.  I now realize how morbidly obese I was.  I can’t help but question myself as to how I allowed myself to get that way.  Don’t get me wrong, I know the answer to that, but it really does make me question the lack of respect I had for what God has given me.
So here are my measurements from the day I started training in 2009.  Keep in mind that these measurements aren’t even from when I was at my heaviest…I was already down about 30 lbs. when these were taken.
First set of measurements          New measurements      Difference
Hips                       67”                                                         49”                                         18”
Thighs                   31.5”                                                      28”                                         3.5”
Waist                     48.75                                                     38”                                         10.75”

Total inches lost=32.25…Seems crazy, doesn’t it?
To show you how crazy it is, I pulled out a couple of things I kept as a reminder of how big I was.  So I’m posting some pictures.  In the first picture I laid a pair of pants, which fit me now, over a pair of my size 28’s…101lbs ago.

In this next picture…and yes, I do agree it’s tacky, but I couldn’t resist because it says more than I ever realized and ever wanted to know.  I laid a pair of underwear, that fit me now, over a pair from when I was heavier…much heavier.

Its crazy things like this that I need to keep me going. It’s being able to see and feel my progress that renews my sense of hope that I can finish this.  Being able to see where I was then and where I am now puts a smile on my face J

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