Today was the first day back to school. They all did great and were very happy when they came home. We had a minor bus problem but everything turned out okay. I’m so excited to get everyone back into a routine. Everyone in our home functions so much better that way.
Joe had to audition today for his performing arts group. His producer picked out the cutest song just for him. It sounded like things went well; hopefully he’ll be spending another year with the Charleston Youth Company.
We had to put Justin back into childcare this year so we opted for an after school karate program. I’m hoping the discipline aspects of karate will help him most. He gets so frustrated at times and he just breaks down and cries. His dad hates it because that just not was boys should be doing…and at Justin’s age I agree. I hate it because it just breaks my heart; I know how he feels, the poor child gets that from me. Maybe I need to take karate to J
Things are still going well with diet and exercise. As far as I know everyone in our group is doing real well with it. I can’t wait to see them all; it’s been about a month since I’ve worked out with them. I’m hoping to get back soon; one of the girls wants me back tomorrow. If not tomorrow I am going to do my best to get there Monday, anxiety permitting. (UGH!)
Yup, my anxiety is still an issue. It was bad yesterday and it was okay for a while today until I headed towards work. I had the day off but went in for my workout. But I still have not taken any medicine so I am feeling great about that.
Speaking of which…Oh my Gosh I thought today was the day I was going to puke! I even told the trainer that if I puked I would feel so much better. I think I may have eaten to close to my workout. The worst thing to hear when you finish a workout is if your trainer asks if you counted right…CRAP! I thought I did; He questioned my count because the time of my last round was too close to my first round. I have to totally agree with him for two reasons, 1) we both know I am not the best counter; 2) My the final round I was dragging, there was no way I counted right, I’m just not sure where I screwed it up.
For some reason lately, it has been getting to me when things like this happen. But it’s a positive…I am more determined, I am pushing harder, and I’m feeling the difference the workouts and nutrition is making more than ever! I raised the expectations I have for myself. It feels so damn good to be at this point!
Abdominal exercise machines give you a weight resistant workout which is important because, weight resistant workouts burn calories faster and more efficiently. With the elliptical machine, all exercises to maintain a healthy bone density can be performed.