Friday, February 3, 2012

My friend said, "run like the wind!" I responded, "I'll try; it may be more like a draft though"...but I'm running and I'm happy about it.

Sitting in bed wanting to sleep but unable to.  I am NERVOUS, I have a sick feeling in my tummy; about what?  Tomorrows run.  We are doing a 5k tomorrow.  Why exactly am I nervous?  There are a couple of reasons.  One, there is absolutely no reason why I shouldn’t be able to run the entire time.  I just need to pace my running, my patience, and my determination.  Although we, the ladies with whom I am running, weren’t able to get together this week to run, my trainer had me running all week.  I did real well one day; I was excited, Thursday, not so much.  We had to run then do 25 burpees, 6 times.  I was able to get through 5 rounds.  My running really wasn’t good at all though.  It all boils down to self-defeat.  My trainer told me that as soon as he told us what we needed to do my facial expression changed; he said I looked defeated.  My attitude and perspective always dictates the outcome of any run I do.
Second, my biggest concern about my running is my right leg.  The tingling is still there and as I run it gets worse and quickly begins to feel heavy.  I’m not worried that something will happen to it, it just slows me down so much.  I need to keep the thoughts of my leg out of my head.  I need to get my head into a place that I won’t get distracted from.
The main reason why I’m feeling nervous…I am so excited that I am officially starting my running plan again.  This 5K is the first run on the plan.  I am so happy to get this going; I missed doing the interval runs and even though I didn’t miss the long runs to much, I always looked forward to doing them so I could see what kind of progress I made.
However things turnout…I am thrilled that I am doing this.  I feel like I am getting a second chance and I couldn’t be more grateful for it!

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! You will be amazing!! So glad you are running again!! Now that I am not working, we may have to schedule that reunion soon :) Miss you and I am so very proud of you!!!! Keep up the great work!!!

