Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's been a long day...

From the second we woke up we haven't stopped moving; I'm feeling sort of sad that schools out, but probably more happy than sad that it is.  Joe graduated today, we are so proud of im.  He also received a few awards.  Joe made the Principles List and Justin made the Honor Roll.  We didn't get Nick's report card yet, I believe they are being emailed to us, but from what I can see online he should have done real well, with the exception of Latin, we're expecting a "D"...okay maybe we're hoping for a "D" instead of an "F".

After the ceremonies we met at the pool and hung out with a bunch of friends.  We had a real nice time today.  What makes it even better was that I was able to stay focused on the days festivities and remain distracted from some other things...which I'm still not wanting to think about so....moving on.

Well, I am SO sore today from yesterday grueling, but great, workouts.  I missed my workout today...missed as in didnt make and missed as in "crap I hate to miss it". I'm typing this I just remembered a group of people at work wanted to start doing Friday workouts together during lunch.  I'll have to find out if they are still interested...I think I may have to get a workout in tomorrow at lunch time to make up for the time missed today.

Eating was off today.  It wasn't horrible but there were a couple of cheats in there.  Poor planning and no preperation did me in...that'll get me everytime.  Back on track tomorrow though.  Tj is still doing great with his eating...he's doing so well! He'll have his cheat meal then get right back on track...that's huge for us.  usually it takes a couple of days for us to get back on track after a cheat meal.

Nick has informed us that he doesn't want McDonalds because if he has a zit it will make it worse because there's too much fat in McDonalds burgers.  So, today, because it was such a hectic day, we brought home McDonalds.  Nick was upset that we got it and asked why not just make asparagus?  How cool is it when a pre-teen asks for asparagus instead of McDonalds?

I am exhausted...was up for a few hours early this morning.  Hoping that when I my head hits the pillow it will stay there and not wake up before it's supposed to.

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