Thursday, June 16, 2011

If it feels good do it, if it hurts, do it again and again and again…

Sitting here after a long busy day with ice on top of my foot and a pain in my butt…literally a pain in my butt.  I’m not sure what happened to my foot but it’s swollen and hurting.  So bad that I had to untie my shoe, while driving down the interstate, so I could loosen my laces.  As for my butt…well it’s a reoccurring rash….from sit-ups!  How do you realize you have this rash since it’s pretty tough to see, you feel the burn when you get in the shower…OUCH!!  Today after our workout I was talking to the other ladies in the group who are also experiencing the same thing, and we all agreed that our trainer know just when it’s about to clear up then…MORE SITUPS! Haha.
We also talked about how we wouldn’t have it any other way.  Our soreness and “battle wounds” calluses and occasional bruises remind of us of our hard work (they also serve as a good reminder not to eat those sweets and carbs)
Soreness, for me is a pretty good measurement; if I’m not sore I know I didn’t get the most out of my workout.  Either I didn’t push myself or my technique was off.  If I don’t work out, I even miss my soreness.
How sick does this sound?  It most likely only sounds sick to those who haven’t made hard work outs a part of their lifestyle.  For the rest of us soreness is truly a joy J
Today was a nice day.  Not too much drama, a well-balanced day.  I would love for most days to be like this.  Eating was good, workout was good, and I received a great compliment today.  I still have my eating weighing heavy on my mind.  My trainer and I talked about what to eat when these binge episodes occur.  I was even online today looking for some kind of help on how to work on what I believe is a food addiction.  I didn’t have much luck though.  I’m really not sure what I’m looking for.  I don’t think what I’m experiencing is extreme at this point.  It’s not like I’m binging and purging.  It seems like it should be so simple.  Why can’t I just walk away, why can’t I just not do it?
I’ve been contemplating therapy again.  I question whether or not this is really necessary.  I’m so on the fence with it. There’s a part of me, at times, that believes I am strong enough to fight this and win.  There’s another part of me that feels so helpless, no hope for myself.  The great thing is that the part of me that believes I can beat this is around more often than it’s ever been; I feel so good about that.  The frustration is coming from not getting over this hump.  I am still hitting this brick wall and it is very discouraging.  I’ll keep trying, I don’t want to stop, I don’t want to go back to where I was EVER!

1 comment:

  1. My butt muscles were sore today, and my abs felt like I had been punched repeatedly. But, it made me think I did not do as hard of a workout Monday as I did Wed. What should of hurt, but did not, was my arms :)

    You are always moving forward when you refuse to quit.
