It's Sale week at Quoizel! Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of this week we have our big warehouse sale. It is a BLAST! Our employees have been working on this for months! The time leading up to this is stressful for look forward to the end of it, but me...I love it! It's great to have the public come into our warehouse and shop like crazy for lamps. It's fun to watch our shoppers come in and start shopping like crazy. I definitely comparable to Black Friday.
My diet has been off this past weekend. Because of all of the performances Joe had to do my prep and planning was way off. He normally does a Friday and Saturday show...this time he did over 10. This is not something we are used to at all. We were eating out too much. It always feels good to get back on track...except when I have to workout. Today's workout was not pretty. It was a good workout and I was sort of excited to do seemed simple enough but my gosh was it tough for me today. My excuses for not doing well today:
- Did not sleep well at all last night
- Was nauseous during the workout
- Kind of lite headed
- was worried sick about my family and very distracted
- barely drank any water before hand
- Ate too close to the workout
- It was chilly.
I feel a little bit better this evening. I'm hoping I sleep well tonight and will feel like a new person in the morning. We have a busy week and weekend ahead, I can't get sick and I feel something coming on.
That's all I have for now...Still praying for many!
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