Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Still going pretty strong today.  I had anxiety again today during the time I would usually workout..I'm accepting this as a positive feeling though; I miss it and that's a good thing.  I don't have this feeling of "I'm so glad I don't have to workout today."  I needed to go out to the workout to speak to our trainer; we ordered new jump ropes that came in today; before we cut them to size I wanted to get his approval.  When I opened the box with the jump ropes I was thrilled; it felt like Christmas.  Then I thought hmmm it will be a while before I can use these; 2nd thought was, eh I'll just take one home to use when I do my workouts this weekend then return it for the group workouts during the week.  I was debating whether or not I should interrupt the workout to show our trainer the jump ropes.  I wasn't sure how I would feel walking outside.  Knowing how much I miss it after 2 days, I was afraid that I would break down and want to get right back into it...then I saw them working out with sandbags, that put an end to worrying that I might want to go back sooner then I planned ha ha (not really but...)

Eating is going REAL well. I'm simply applying everything I was taught over the past 4 years.  Today someone, from our group, asked me what kind of diet I was doing.  I was a little dumbfounded and thought why would I eat any other way then we've been taught since we started our Wellness Program.  My weight gain had nothing to do with the way of eating we were taught, it had everything to do with me and how I handled myself.

I set a weight loss goal/incentive for myself today.  I decided I will return to the group workouts when I lose 20 lbs or after 6 weeks, whichever comes first. Does it sound silly to you?  Probably so ha ha, but this is about me wanting something for myself, this is how I'm motivating me.  I am ready to become my own cheerleader!


  1. as long as you do something :) and def be your own cheerleader, and accept those who are cheering for and with you :)

  2. Yay Maria! It's great to set goals with rewards if you reach those goals. I'm trying to get inspired to lose weight and start exercising again. I need to emulate your positive outlook and goal-setting. :)
