It's been a busy, emotionally draining day. At least 4 people came into my office and shut my door to talk. There's nothing I love more about my job then when an employee feels comfortable enough to come to me and share what they are going through. Helping them and guiding them through things is such a great reward. I truly love the way God has me serving people; I really believe that just may be my purpose in this life.
Yesterday my little trainer said we are going swimming for tonight's workout. He said to me, just like this, "so Maria, how much time can I have with you tomorrow?" me: "30 minutes" Justin: "Great! We will warm up on the way to the pool and go swimming." Me: "sounds good." Turns out he forgot what he said (PHEW!) so we did some other things, one of them being sit ups while he put pressure on my stomach to make it difficult for me to sit was harder then I thought it would be haha.
Since I've been pretty much pain free a good part of this week tomorrow I am going to work out at lunch with my co-workers. I'm going to a chiropractor in the morning so I should be well prepared to handle whatever we are doing.
This will be my second appointment with this new chiropractor I'm seeing since I came up with this game plan for myself. I started with him this past Monday. He worked on me for almost an hour.I felt so much better after leaving his office. My hope is to see him 1-2 times a week until I feel I am in a good place. I'll probably need him even more when I go back to working with the trainer. I'm okay with how I've done with my eating the last 2 weeks but disappointed that I haven't gotten in any challenging workouts.
I've decided to add an 18 hour fast to my diet for the month of October. Aside from other benefits, doing such a fast really gave my confidence a good boost simply because it was an accomplishment. It also plays a part, in me becoming more disciplined. I'm focusing on going back to the basics. The basics being whatever I did, felt, thought when I was consistent and successful.
That point still seems pretty distant to me but not out of reach. I was always in such a rush to succeed; I would stress myself out and bring myself down with the fear that things would change before I succeeded. Now, almost 4 years later, the fear I had is reality, there's nothing to lose, so there's no reason to rush. As I do this I pray that there is patience with myself,more stability and less stress this time around.
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