Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 5 Coming to a Close...

Its been a great day.  Woke up early to get the boys to school early.  Nick wanted to be at school early because the club he is in was doing a fundraiser this morning.  He was so excited. Even though I had to go a half hour out of my way, before work, I was only 5 minutes late and most importantly I had a very happy 6th grader. 

Got to work and got settled.  I soon received a call from Nick in a complete panic.  He was supposed to have us sign something for math class but did not.  He was in meltdown mode and was begging me to come back to school to sign it. Whoever didn't have their parents signature would get lunch detention.  I sent a quick email to the math teacher and his resource teacher and they took care of it...Phew!

Had an OK workout today.  The workout itself was a good one but I could have done much better.  Along with a couple of other thing, we had to do box jumps and run.  Both of those are real challenging for me.  I can get it done, but it takes more time. I'm hoping to improve my box jumps over the next few weeks by practicing at home.  We spent sometime Wednesday on technique so I know what I need to focus on.

I'm still not feeling well, my head has been bothering, my ears are clogged so I feel like I can't here anything.  I kept feeling like I was going to fall over today while working out.  I tried to stay focused as much as possible so I could put not feeling well out of mind.  I think I did pretty well.  I am easily distracted during workouts and it has such a negative effect on me.  Between my ears being clogged and trying to stay focused I don't think I heard much of what people were saying to me.

Been trying to loosen up my hips.  My trainer said they are real tight and its effecting my workouts.  I've been doing simple stretches at my desk which are beginning to help.  I felt a bit of a difference and he noticed a difference.  That's always so encouraging.  So tonight, after I rowed, I took out my foam roller and rolled for about 20 minutes.  Not sure how many of you are familiar with this but it GOOD!  I never liked that thing but the after effects are amazing. I feel so relaxed right now. 

My eating was good once again.  I was talking to my friend and Paleo partner, who looks at my blog and she asked about the amount of food I was eating.  She didn't think it was enough.  Even though there are just 2 or 3 items I'm eating during a meal, the portions sizes are sufficient.  I'm eating 6-8 oz. of protein at a meal and about a cup of veggies.  And once I remember my almonds, it will be even better.

Here's what I ate today:

645          2 eggs, 1/2 cup mushrooms, 4 slices turkey bacon, prune juice
11:00       6 oz turkey breast, 2 cups of lettuce
1:15          Protein shake
6:30          2 All beef hot dogs, 1 cup cabbage (hot dogs weren't the best choice)

I drank a good amount of water today...over 100 oz. so I got lots of exercise walking back and forth to the bathroom.

I felt good, emotionally, about everything today.  The only thing that threw me off a bit today was the episode with Nick but that was resolved quickly.  It was truly a good day.  The people I surround myself with all seem to be happy and in a good place in their lives right now.  That always make me feel good.  I love it when the people I love are happy. I just need to get over this sickness or whatever it is, stay focused during my workouts, and stay on track with my eating, oh yeah, and remember my almonds.

The 2 things I'm worried about is the upcoming weekend.  I struggle on weekend, mostly because there is no routine, and detoxing and going into Ketosis which makes me extremely flakey...this stage of the diet comes and goes within 2-3 weeks.  Just a couple of things to look forward to :)

That's it for now...nothing to exciting.  Hoping I will be able to give a good report over the weekend.  This will be my biggest challenge so far.  I'm feeling so good about this, so optimistic...I love the way this feels!

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