Monday, February 28, 2011

It’s been a pretty good Monday, got lots done once again.  Things are going real well with eating and life.  I don’t foresee any speed bumps ahead. I’m really looking forward to getting through this 3rd week so I can get started with the 4th.  The 4th week will be a true test for me.  There will be a couple of things in the upcoming weeks that will test my strength; I think I can handle things just fine.  I’m not too concerned like I would normally be.  Usually when I am approaching an obstacle I stress over it then end up with an anxiety attack.  I don’t see that happening this time.
The support I’ve been getting has been and always was a contributing factor to my success.  There’s a part of me that feels weak because I know I need support to succeed, but there’s a bigger part of me that realizes its ok, we all need support from our family and friends to be successful.  I’ve also learned, in a not so easy way, that we can’t always rely on the same people over and over again but for the most part my support system is pretty stable which is truly a blessing.
I am looking forward to another softball season which is starting soon.  TJ and I are playing on a coed team together.  My biggest problem with softball is running and throwing, haha 2 out of 3, ok so I’m not so good but its lots of fun.  Anyway, over the next few weeks I’ll be working on my running by running and by doing a few different kinds of box jumps.  I need to work on leaving the base quickly, the box jumps will help with that, and I need to work on speed…I don’t know that anything will help with that but I’ll try my best.
Wasn’t feeling well again today.  Apparently my body if fighting something off and may even be winning the fight.  Everyone else who is having the same or similar symptoms as me is ending up in bed for a few days.  The side of my head is still hurting, my neck seems to be stiffening up, and I feel fatigued.  The fatigue seems to come in waves though; I’ll feel it than it goes away, than it comes back...weird.
As far as the diet goes; still doing great, almost done with my 3rd fast, which will end tomorrow at noon.  My beigest problem right now is dry mouth, YUCK!  Can’t seem to get rid of it, with that comes a nasty taste in my mouth.  The only thing I can do is deink lots of water.  Been doing really good with eating lots of veggies and just sticking with prune juice as my fruit every morning.
Looking forward to another successful day tomorrow J

Here’s what I ate today:
Fasting till noon
1200                       Chicken with onions and mushrooms
400                         2 eggs
700                         steak, large salad
Water                   approx. 96 oz.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just about half way there...

It was an amazing day in Charleston today.  The weather was perfect, had a relaxing day, cleaned up, just a little, went to a birthday party which was outdoor so we got some sun, did some food shopping and prepared food for the week.
Joe was exhausted today.  He played and napped and is a little bit out of it. We are still feeling so proud of him and his performance.  Justin is so excited about his basketball awards ceremony tomorrow night.  No time for him to rest, baseball is just around the corner.  That little guy is doing great at staying active and eating better.  His tummy is flattening and his level of fitness is improving on a regular basis.
Everyone in the house is currently on the fitness band wagon.  Nick is always looking to eat healthy, Joe and Justin are working out regularly and making better food choices, TJ is eating much better and prepping for the week to.  Life is good…my prayers have been answered yet again.
I am still feeling great about my own accomplishments while doing Paleo. Getting through the weekends and eating as planned is a huge accomplishment for me.  I just started my 3rd fast and I have no worries about temptation. We were at a birthday party today; pizza, cupcakes, cookies and soda oh my!  It all looked great but I didn’t think about having any.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our bodies automatically debited pounds for junk food we don’t eat?  I think we deserve credit for that.  Had it been just a few short months ago I would have eaten pizza, cupcakes, cookies and soda and when I did I would have gained at least a pound or 2.  So since I didn’t eat them today I should have a pound or 2 taken off of me…sounds fair, right?
I’m looking forward to the 31 days ending; I’m just about half way there.  But I was thinking today about how much better I feel.  I know I am losing weight, I can feel it and seeing it in my clothes.  So I’m wondering why I want this strict Paleo to end.  It’s not like I have to lose just 5 lbs.  I still need to drop 60 or 70lbs.  I may just treat myself after the 31 days then get right back on it.  That concerns me since whenever I do that it’s real hard for me to get back on track.  Tomorrow is the start of my 3rd week.  I’m hoping I stay strong; I’ve never been able to get to the 4th week while maintaining a strict Paleo diet. 

Here’s what was on the menu for today:
1000                       eggs, turkey bacon, prune juice
230                         Chicken with mushrooms, onions sautéed in olive oil
530                         Steak, salad w/olives, egg, peppers, olive oil/vinegar
Water                   Hardly any…need to play catch up this evening
Not bad…feeling very satisfied and happy J 
Tonight was the final night for Joe’s show.  It was lots of fun once again.  He had so much fun, he did great! Thanks to all of you who came out to watch, this was a special time for us and we were all so happy you were able to share it with us.
Justin came to the show tonight.  The same thing that happened to Nick happened to Justin.  So many people told Justin how well he did, haha, but it wasn’t him.  It’s funny on one hand but sad for Justin on the other.  He auditioned to be in the Youth Company but didn’t make it.  Last night when we got home he went up to his room and cried, after a while he finally told me that he was jealous.  Well, he actually wrote it down; he said he was too embarrassed to say it. I hate to see my boys sad; it’s heartbreaking. 
The day has been pretty good.  We slept until 10…that’s something that never happens.  It felt great, I could have slept longer.  I did some cleaning around the house but certainly not enough.
I felt good today.  Although I was tired I was happy and so looking forward to this evening’s performance.  It was a pleasant surprise when I got dressed.  My clothes were loose! Feels like this diet is working.  I’m very excited.  I was tempted to get on the scale Friday at work but I decided not to.  I do seem to be moving into the “stupid” stage; I’m more distracted, extremely forgetful it seems.
We are looking forward to a relaxing day tomorrow.  Right now the only plans we have is to finish up a science project and go to birthday party.
Eating was good today; have not strayed yet from this diet.  I’m so excited.  Bu now I would usually have some kind of cheat meal or day, but not this time.  Determination has become my friend.
Here’s what I ate today…not to bad J
1030                        2 eggs, turkey bacon, prune juice
230                         Salad with steak, lettuce, cucumbers.
1115                       Omelets w/ onions, peppers, mushrooms.
Water                     Approx. 64 oz.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Star is Born...

What an exciting day it’s been…WOW!  I have no choice but to be a proud mom and brag about my childJ  I am in awe and feeling sort of guilty.  I NEVER expected what I saw last night.  The talent that my son displayed was amazing; he captivated the audience and stole the show…literally, the Producer and many others told us so all night.
Joe had his first show last night with his performing arts Youth Company.  He was Lord Farquaad, from Shrek. To see him on stage acting, singing, dancing, in and of itself was a treat.  But to see how great he did and how everyone reacted to him made me cry.  His producer told me he had raw talent, I wasn’t sure exactly what that meant, now I do.  He is a natural; he was totally in his element last night.  I wish all of you could have seen him.  He was as funny and charming as ever.
During the play, intermission, and after when people realized I was his mom, they were raving about him.  One dad affectionately named me “Mother Farquaad” and then told me to be careful how I say that J  In Joe’s Youth Company there is a Junior and Senior group.  Joe is in the junior group.  The only time they interact with the senior group is around show time.  Well the senior group has taken notice to Joe.  We were on our way out of the theatre to pick Joe up in the back.  Nick was walking with us; one of the young ladies ran up alongside Nick and posed next to him while another young man from the senior group snapped a picture.  She jumped up and clapped her hands and said, “I took a picture with Lord Farquaad!”  We all laughed and said, “No you didn’t, this is his brother”.  We all laughed, she was so disappointed.  Another young couple saw Nick and said, “Wow, you were great, you stole the show.” So Nick just laughed and said, “That wasn’t me”.  It was hilarious!  We went to the cast party afterwards at Charley’s; Justin was sitting eating and parents came up to him and said, really loud, “King!  It’s the King!”  TJ and I laughed and said, “No, it’s not, that’s his brother.”  We all laughed together.  I guess my boys really do look alike.
So, when we finally caught up with Joe, I just wanted to hug him.  I was so proud of him.  He handed me his makeup and said, “Can I ride with Jasper to the cast party?”  Of course I couldn’t say no, so we met him at the restaurant.  When we arrived he was seated with all his friends, we wanted him to enjoy his moment so we waived to him and sat at a table on the other side of the restaurant.  It wasn’t too long before he came over to us.  He was exhausted.  It was already after midnight.  When he came to us, TJ said to the couple who came over earlier, and said, “this is the King” the lady ran over and gave him a hug and just bragged about how great he did.  Her husband looked over and she yelled, “He’s the King!”  Before we knew it kinds from the senior group were coming over to take pictures with him.  Even the young lady who took a picture earlier with Nick got her picture with Joe.  Last night truly was the start of an amazing dream come true for him.
He was overwhelmed, he was tired and excited, but he was humble.  Maybe not so humble with us, but the strangers that came up to him he just smiled and was even a little embarrassed.  I hope he holds onto that forever J
The production as a whole was incredible.  Every child was amazing, funny, and looked like they had a blast.  Aside from Joe we had our favorite…we adored 1/3 of the 3 Blind mice J  They were all so cute but Keelyn was the cutest for sure!  Keelyn’s mom, Jennifer, is the cause of all this.  She let me know about the Charleston Youth Company and said she thought Joe would be great for it.  I told Jennifer last night that if he makes it big, she will be the first person he thanks when he accepts his Tony Award.  Looking forward to the second and final show tonight!

As for me, it’s been a rollercoaster ride of wonderful emotions.  Once again with all those emotions I stayed on track.  I celebrated this wonderful time with friends and family, not food.  By the time we ate I was starving but nothing, not my hunger or emotions, caused me to stray from my eating plan.  I am feeling very proud his morning; proud of Joe and all my boys and even proud of myself, for holding true to me.
Here’s what was on the menu yesterday for a mom of a future Broadway Star:
700                         Turkey bacon, eggs, prune juice (Have you noticed a pattern here?)
100                         Protein Shake
500                         2 hardboiled eggs
1239AM                 steak, salmon, broccoli
Water intake         approx. 64 oz.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Wow this week flew by.  Can’t believe tomorrow’s Friday.  Joe has his first performance tomorrow night with another show on Saturday. We are all very excited to see him.  The company he is with is doing Shrek and Joe is playing Lord Farquaad.  It should be lots of fun!
Another good day today, my mood was great with the exception of a bit of frustration at work.  I was exhausted after today’s workout.  That thing kicked my butt quick. It consisted of running, 150 box jumps, and 150 wall balls…OUCH! It took way too long to finish and put me out of commission for the rest of the day. I think my diet is having a negative effect on my workouts.  Just been feeling a bit weak the last couple of days and I’m not pushing myself the way I should be.  I’ve been experiencing a few head rushes during my workouts that last few days.  I think that may be causing me to be hesitant from pushing forward.
My eating was good AGAIN today.  I am very excited and proud as the evening nears its end knowing that I stayed on track all day.
Today I ate:
700         2 eggs, turkey bacon, prune juice
1115       2 turkey burgers, ¾ mushrooms, ½ cup cabbage, 6 almonds
215         Protein shake, 6 almonds, ½ cup cabbage
600         Steak, asparagus
I’m feeling hungry now, but I’ve been satisfied after each meal.  I had to split up my cabbage because I was beginning to feel full.  I am trying hard to stay aware of feeling satisfied when I eat so I don’t end up feeling full.  I always ate until I was full, it’s a feeling I’m used to, it’s the norm for me.  Feeling satisfied is a much better feeling.
I don’t see a change in my body but I feel like something is happening.  I’m definitely not as bloated as I was. I’m not sure if I’m losing weight, I must be, I’ve been tempted to hop on the scale but I’m not going to…not for another 20 days.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 10 has come to a close...Just 21 more to go!

Today's mood was MUCH better than yesterdays.  I told myself this morning to stay aware of my tone and they way I react to others.  I didn't have any problems.  I was in a pretty good mood. 

I was feeling a little bit of weakness and fatigue today.  My body is so sore from workouts the last 2 days.  My shoulders and quads are super sore. Normally I do better at pushing through the pain during a workout; that didn't workout to well today.  I felt weak during my workout.  We did dead lifts with a really big tire. Whenever I did a few reps and drop the tire I had a huge head rush and my ears felt like they needed to pop.

Joe had his first dress rehearsal tonight.  He had a blast!  He really enjoyed it and is so looking forward to Friday and Saturday night. Nick had a project fair project to work on this evening.  His partner, Hunter, came over tonight with his mom so we could get things rolling with the project.  We got the facts down and made a plan for the report and display board and had lots of fun doing it.

Before they came over I was in a mad rush to make veggies.  I went with out vegetables all day today.  I slacked on planning my meals for today. My day was full of protein, I didn't add any fats, such as my almonds, and carbs, which would be my veggies.  Tomorrow I have lots of cabbage and sauteed mushrooms to have with my meals.

Here's what I ate today:

700            2 eggs, turkey bacon, prune juice
11:00         2 hard boiled eggs
210            Protein shake
530            3 Eggs, turkey bacon

Water intake           72 oz. (booooo)

I just love eggs.They are so quick, easy, and yummy.  The only reason why I had eggs for dinner was because I needed something quick.

I think today was another successful day.  Still feeling good about things.   I'm looking forward to seeing the final results :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hmmm....the "Twinkie Defense" eh?

Crankiness, stressed, and a headache that feels like my skull is splitting in half.  I believe my body is in a new stage of this diet.  All of a sudden, this evening, something hit me like a ton of bricks.  All evening I've been short with my family.  I need to get a grip and take a deep breath.  There's no reason why I should be acting this way...right?

I'm pretty sure this is a sure sign that Ketosis has set in. What is that?  It's a headache...a bad one.  technically, this is what it means:

Ketosis is the name for a state many people go through when starting a low-carbohydrate diet. In involves a loss of fat and it happens because, in the absence of sugar, the body breaks down fat to use as fuel. This fuel is known as ketones, and the process of creating ketones in the liver and the body's use of them is called ketosis.

You can actually develop ketosis symptoms that let you know this is happening in your body. For a lot of people who begin a low-carb diet, this seems to happen three or four days into the process.
Some ketosis symptoms include:
  • Tiredness or fatigue
  • Headache
  • Feeling thirsty all the time
  • Bad breath
  • Metallic taste in the mouth
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea or stomach ache
  • Sleep problems
  • Cold hands and feet
Ketosis symptoms usually last for several days-up to a week in some people-until the body is used to burning fat instead of glucose. The levels of ketones in the body (which can be measure through a urine test) will go down, but that does not mean you are no longer losing weight. It simply means your body has found a balance and is no longer producing excess ketones.

I was consulting with a lawyer tonight ;-) and I explained to her how I was feeling so she explained the Twinkie Defense to I now  have her on retainer, just in case.

Other than this evening today was a pretty good day. Lots done today, got to spend some time with my boys who I missed so much last night, and a great person I know was the recipient of an awesome blessing....God is good.

Eating was great today.  Another fast was successfully completed.  Here's what was on the menu for today:

Fasting until Noon
12:01             2 turkey burgers, 1 cup romaine lettuce, 8 almonds
2:00                Protein Shake, 6 almonds
6:00               Salmon steak, 1 cup sauteed zucchini

Water            approx. 96 oz.

I am so looking forward to eggs and turkey bacon in the morning :)  A few have asked if I'm eating enough and if I'm hungry all day.  I am eating plenty.  I'n NOT eatin a palm sized peice of chicken, I am eating a good amount of food at each sitting.  I am satisfied, not full, when I am done with my meal.  Feeling staisfied is really a much better feeling that being full. I'm feeling real good about this.  It's going much better than I expected.

A few things have happened that I feel as though I am being rewarded for my hard work:
  1. I've been told that a difference can be seen by others
  2. My stomach hasn't bothered me at all.  I'm not feeling bloated at all.
  3. My confidence that I will be able to do this without a single cheat for a total of 31 days is growing stronger
  4. My trainer wants to change my training plan and make it more challenging.
  5. And...the most exciting thing for me is...I truly believe my mindset to lose this weight is back!  The power of prayer is amazingly undeniable!  I truly believe I am back to the mindset I had when I lost most of my weight.  I'm excited and determined.  I'm not complaining, I am focused.  This is it for me, I know it.  I will finish my weight loss journey and begin to maintain an awesome, healthy, active lifestyle!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday Monday...not my favorite day of the week but I think that just may change.  Mondays are fasting days.  I was dreading it today but it turned out great!  We ate a late dinner last night so that meant eating much later today but, in the end, it was perfect.

I did dinner tonight with my Monday workout group, Brent, and his girl Sarah.  We had a great time, lots of laughs.  This was our delayed Holiday get together...oh the Holidays are wonderful even 2 months later.  This is such an amazing group of ladies. So supportive and encouraging.  Out of all the groups I've been in within the last 2 years this group seems to encourage me to push harder the most.  Love those ladies!

The day was pretty good overall with the exception of not spending time with my boys.  They were home today playing outside in this amazing weather. I wish I could have been home with them today.  I missed them so much; they were all in bed when I came home from dinner.  I got a few odd things done at work that I put off.  Not so great...Everyone seems to be getting sick, my boss was out today and poor TJ isn't feeling well at all.  I'm still not 100% but I feel better than I have been over the past few days.

I'm beginning to feel a change with my diet.  Feeling kind of blah.  Still doing well with my food.  My cravings aren't bad.  I am, however, lusting over food...I feel shame!  It's not like the 11th commandment is "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s desserts."  I know lust is one of the 7 Deadly Sins, but does that include food? No, right?  So I'm good than :-)

Brent emailed me something to listen to called "Finding Satisfaction in God, not Food" It was a great eye opener.  It made me recognize how much I used to idolize food.  Food was, and still is at times, such a priority, everything revolved around food for 43 years of my life.  No matter what we did, whether it was a happy or a sad time, we always brought food into it. We would always say Thank God for this cake, or cookie or whatever we were shoveling into our mouth.  When we were sad we would eat as we cried, just feeling sorry for ourselves, saying over and over again, "what am I supposed to do?"  Food was the center of my Universe for a long time.

After listening to "Finding Satisfaction in God, not Food" I couldn't help but wonder how things would have been if I replaced God with "food" as suggested. My life would be so different.  Had I placed my sadness in God’s hands instead of burying my sadness under mounds of food that turned to mounds of fat I would have healed so long ago. I wonder if I would have even reached the point of "brokenness" that I did.  I would have been healthier, I would have been happier.  If my life revolved around God my scars would not have been so deep. Instead of eating and saying "what am I supposed to do?" I should have prayed to the One who could make a difference.  Food never made anything any better.

So now that I've typed that out, I'm wondering if this "lusting" I am doing is considered idolizing food.  Am I falling back into an old habit or am I still breaking away from it?  I believe I am breaking away from it.  I am not giving into my "desires", I'm resisting temptation, and I am stronger now because food is not most important to me.  It is fuel; it is not my comforter, my healer, my strength, my power.  I have all that in God, I don't need it nor should I want it in food.

I've only listened once, while at work, I will listen again soon, I'm sure there is more that I missed.  The links are attached.  Take some time to listen; it may change your life.

Finding Satisfaction in God, Not Food Part 1
Finding Satisfaction in God, Not Food Part 2

Here's what I ate today:

Fasting from 815PM Sunday until 215PM Monday
216             2 turkey burgers, 1 1/2 cups cabbage, 8 almonds (thanks TJ for putting them in my bag)
300              Protein Shake, 6 almonds
730              Grilled steak and shrimp with mixed vegetables, salad w/cucumber

Water intake     maybe 80 oz.  Not to good

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Made it through the weekend!

I was worried about the weekend.  It's the toughest time of the week for me.  I did great!  We were out and about all weekend.  We even ate out a few times. 

I've been doing something odd that really seems to be helping me.  Anything I'm craving, I make or buy for someone else.  Sounds crazy but it's been working.  We went to King Street Grill over the weekend.  There was a picture of the chocolate layer cake so I asked Justin if he wanted it.  Of course he said yes.  Was that the right thing to do...ha ha heck no.  But it was our day out together and he's been doing great with his eating to so why not.  We even went into Cupcakes and I had no problem resisting.

We had a great weekend; lots to do.  Spent Saturday with Justin, today we went out to breakfast than downtown to the Southeastern Wildlife Expo.  They had a Birds Of Prey demonstration; one of the hawks took off and didn't return...Yikes!  The weather was perfect in Charleston this weekend!

My feelings have been very positive.  I haven't been very emotional this weekend.  I was a bit cranky this morning when we were out for breakfast.  I couldn't decide on what to eat so I just had the salad bar.  It all worked out.

Still not feeling great.  My throat is now beginning to hurt.  I never made it to the doctor this weekend, hopefully it will just pass.

That's about it, nothing exciting...everything is peaceful.  Here's what I ate today:

10:00          Salad w/eggs, onions, peppers, chicken, pepperoni, chick peas, olives
3:00             2 eggs, turkey bacon
800              Baked Chicken, broccoli with carrots

Water          not sure, maybe 96 oz.

Until tomorrow...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Half Way Through the Weekend...

Its was a beautiful day in Charleston today!  TJ took Joe and Nick to their first Paintball Bday party.  They had fun with the exception of a few stinging sensations.  Justin and I hung out together today.  We had lots of fun.  We did lunch, some shopping, and than his basketball game.  He is doing great at basketball.  So much fun to watch him. 

Diet was great again today.  We even ate out...twice!  Today I ate:
815            2 eggs, turkey bacon, 8 oz. prune juice
100            Went to King Street Grill-large salad w/steak, grilled shrimp, artichokes, egg, peppers, onions, olives.  No was yummy.
700             Outback for dinner-Steak, some broccoli, green beans, grilled shrimp, mushrooms

Water intake was high today...had to be close to a gallon.

Love Outback...its so easy to be good there.  I couldn't finish my veggies, they were over seasoned or at least seemed that way.  I've noticed that when I do Paleo my taste is so sensitive to spices since most of the food I'm eating is pretty bland.

I'm excited that I am doing so well.  I'm usually struggling at this point.  I'm hungry at times but not craving things as usual.  I will admit my mouth did water when I witnessed a piece of chocolate cake being eaten, but I was OK with it.

I put on my jeans today and they have loosened up!  So excited about that.  Saw Mary at basketball today and she told me my face looks so that Mary. So of course those two things kept me going and reminded me to keep doing well.

Need to head to the doctor tomorrow.  My head is still hurting and so is my ear.  Not sure whats going on with my head...its so weird.  It hurts to the touch.  Feels like my head is sore from someone beating me over the head.

Watched Pinks video this morning to he song "Perfect".  It's a great song, a good video.  It's very touching, hit me hard.  Can't help but wonder if there's anybody who doesn't know how this girl...
Looking forward to another great day tomorrow!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 5 Coming to a Close...

Its been a great day.  Woke up early to get the boys to school early.  Nick wanted to be at school early because the club he is in was doing a fundraiser this morning.  He was so excited. Even though I had to go a half hour out of my way, before work, I was only 5 minutes late and most importantly I had a very happy 6th grader. 

Got to work and got settled.  I soon received a call from Nick in a complete panic.  He was supposed to have us sign something for math class but did not.  He was in meltdown mode and was begging me to come back to school to sign it. Whoever didn't have their parents signature would get lunch detention.  I sent a quick email to the math teacher and his resource teacher and they took care of it...Phew!

Had an OK workout today.  The workout itself was a good one but I could have done much better.  Along with a couple of other thing, we had to do box jumps and run.  Both of those are real challenging for me.  I can get it done, but it takes more time. I'm hoping to improve my box jumps over the next few weeks by practicing at home.  We spent sometime Wednesday on technique so I know what I need to focus on.

I'm still not feeling well, my head has been bothering, my ears are clogged so I feel like I can't here anything.  I kept feeling like I was going to fall over today while working out.  I tried to stay focused as much as possible so I could put not feeling well out of mind.  I think I did pretty well.  I am easily distracted during workouts and it has such a negative effect on me.  Between my ears being clogged and trying to stay focused I don't think I heard much of what people were saying to me.

Been trying to loosen up my hips.  My trainer said they are real tight and its effecting my workouts.  I've been doing simple stretches at my desk which are beginning to help.  I felt a bit of a difference and he noticed a difference.  That's always so encouraging.  So tonight, after I rowed, I took out my foam roller and rolled for about 20 minutes.  Not sure how many of you are familiar with this but it GOOD!  I never liked that thing but the after effects are amazing. I feel so relaxed right now. 

My eating was good once again.  I was talking to my friend and Paleo partner, who looks at my blog and she asked about the amount of food I was eating.  She didn't think it was enough.  Even though there are just 2 or 3 items I'm eating during a meal, the portions sizes are sufficient.  I'm eating 6-8 oz. of protein at a meal and about a cup of veggies.  And once I remember my almonds, it will be even better.

Here's what I ate today:

645          2 eggs, 1/2 cup mushrooms, 4 slices turkey bacon, prune juice
11:00       6 oz turkey breast, 2 cups of lettuce
1:15          Protein shake
6:30          2 All beef hot dogs, 1 cup cabbage (hot dogs weren't the best choice)

I drank a good amount of water today...over 100 oz. so I got lots of exercise walking back and forth to the bathroom.

I felt good, emotionally, about everything today.  The only thing that threw me off a bit today was the episode with Nick but that was resolved quickly.  It was truly a good day.  The people I surround myself with all seem to be happy and in a good place in their lives right now.  That always make me feel good.  I love it when the people I love are happy. I just need to get over this sickness or whatever it is, stay focused during my workouts, and stay on track with my eating, oh yeah, and remember my almonds.

The 2 things I'm worried about is the upcoming weekend.  I struggle on weekend, mostly because there is no routine, and detoxing and going into Ketosis which makes me extremely flakey...this stage of the diet comes and goes within 2-3 weeks.  Just a couple of things to look forward to :)

That's it for now...nothing to exciting.  Hoping I will be able to give a good report over the weekend.  This will be my biggest challenge so far.  I'm feeling so good about this, so optimistic...I love the way this feels!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm on a Roll!

A great day today!  Feeling good, mentally and emotionally, about lots of things.  Physically feeling pretty crappy because I think I might be getting sick.  My ear is hurting and the top of my head is hurt to the touch…weird. I’m tired and would have loved to sleep today away.
Had a few anxious moments about Nick and his homework but I think we have come up with a solution that should solve the problem…and eliminate any excuses he tries to give for not doing it.  Yesterday he explained to me how he believes his short term memory is not working…hmmm.
I stress over Nick so much.  I’m always worrying about how he is doing, wherever he is.  I worry about the friends he makes at school, the ones I don’t know.  I can’t help but wonder what kind of influence they have over him.  Nick can be so naive at times.  I’m afraid that he may be lead to do something he shouldn’t.  He is such a good kid and has pretty good logic when it comes to what's right and wrong.  But I also know that, like any other child, he wants to be accepted and because of some of his signs or symptoms from Asperger’s, he may not be as quickly as others.  It also takes a while for Nick to warm up to others but once he does and he has trust in them I’m afraid his sense of logic will be affected.
Work was pretty good…I have been putting off 1 or 2 things that I need to focus on.  I need to push my ADHD to the side and get these things done.
Had a great conversation with my trainer about eggs.  I decided to cut back on my eggs because my bad cholesterol was elevated.  The only thing I could attribute that to was the eggs. Since my cholesterol ratio was "phenomenal" as he put it; so why bother cutting out the eggs…they will be back in my diet as they were and I am very excited.  Oh it’s the little things that put a smile on my face,
Also been thinking about my feeling about being disregarded.  I mentioned earlier that I don’t place expectations on people yet I feel disappointed by their action, or even more so, lack thereof.  I realized that it doesn’t have to do with my expectations but everything to do with I don’t deserve to be treated this way.  But that’s enough about that…
Well I forgot about my almonds again.  I have them in the pantry; I just need to grab them on my way out to work.  They are an important part of this diet I’m hoping my brain will be functioning early in the morning.
Here’s what I ate today.  I was much more satisfied than I’ve been since I started.
7:            2 eggs with mushrooms an onion sautéed, 4 slices of turkey’s bacon. 6 oz. prune juice
12:00     Ground chicken with onions, 1 cup of lettuce
145         Protein shake
6:00        8 oz. steak sautéed with mushrooms, onions, olive oil
It may not seem like a lot of food, but it’s enough.  I feel very satisfied.
My workout was pretty good today to.  My legs were burning so bad!  I did make on the rowing machine today (Woo Hoo).  Tj and I did it together.  I did 500 meters than he did, I did 300 meters than he did, we did a total of 1100 meters this evening. It was lots of fun.
That’s about it for tonight…looking forward o completing my first week.  The weekends are always a big challenge for me to stay on track.  I’m determined this time to get through this without any cheats.  That feeling of determination is a wonderful one.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 3...Done!

Today was a pretty good day.  A good thing from today… I’m feeling much better about something that broke my heart. This one thing caused me to revert back to the way I used to think about and handle things.  I’m hoping it’s behind me so I can move forward.  A not so good thing that happened today, I received confirmation from one person about a feeling I blogged about Monday and Tuesday.  That’s never fun, it always hurts but that’s the reality of it and once again, I recognize where I stand.
It was a real busy day today; kind of hectic.  Busy at work, had lots to do when I got home tonight, listened a lot and learned at Bible Study to.
My diet was good once again.  A few things were off.  I forgot my almonds again and didn’t eat dinner tonight.  I had so much to do when I got home I didn’t have time to have anything to eat.  By the time everyone left my house it was close to 930 which is just too late for me to eat. I was craving a meatball parm sub today.  Of course I can’t eat that so I made them for our Bible Study group.  Oddly enough watching them eat didn’t bother me at all and my cravings are now gone. I felt my workout was better than it has been the last 2 days.  Hopefully tomorrow will be even better.
This is what I ate today…
7:00        Egg scrambled with mushroom and onion, 8 oz. prune juice
11:00     Stuffed cabbage
2:00        Protein shake
Not much to eat at all today.  I’m hungry but I think sleep may do me more justice than food right now.  That’s about it for me for tonight…its almost time for sleep.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2 Days Down and Still Feeling Confident I will accomplish my Goal!

Another day done!  It was a bit better today than yesterday…thank you God.  The most exciting thing about today…I gained a partner!  I’m looking forward to going through the next 29 days with someone.  It makes a huge difference to me to have the support of someone especially when that person is experience what I am experiencing. 
My mood was still way off today…not quite sure what’s going on.  Could be the diet, but it’s only been 2 days.  If the diet was going to have an effect on my mood I don’t think it would have happened so quickly.  I have been struggling trying to understand some things and some people.  I can’t seem to understand why they do the things they do or don’t do the things they say.  I mentioned in yesterday’s blog that I feel disregarded at times.  I’ve learned not to expect anything from anyone.  And I truly don’t expect people to do for me.  Yet I feel disappointed every time I realize how low on the totem pole I am when I am not needed.  Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?  It sucks…what a crappy feeling.
My eating was good again today which is always the brightside of a bad day for me.  I did realize that I forgot all about my almonds.  I was kind of excited when I realized I need to add those to my menu. J  I completed my first fast today also.  I think that may be the most challenging part of all this.  I’m really looking forward to eating breakfast tomorrow…ah the little things in life really do make me happy.
My workout was still off today.  Part of it consisted of running.  Running is not my friend.  Once I know that we are going to run I kick right into a ridiculous self-defeat mode.  Anyway…that’s enough of that…no point in even going into running.  I’m determined to have a much better one tomorrow.
I didn’t make it on the rowing machine again, I was disappointed but I am not going to beat myself up over it.  I have 4 more days to get in my 3 days of rowing for the week.  I’m beginning to think that mornings are not a realistic time for me.  I may just do it in the evening.  Maybe TJ would like to do that with me.  (Hint, hint) J
Here’s what I ate today:
12:00 PM             3 oz. Grilled chicken, 1 cup mushrooms, 1 all beef hot dog (not the best thing but…)
1:45PM                 Protein shake-oh how I love thee right after my workout
4:00PM                 8 oz. Prune Juice
8:30PM                 Cabbage stuffed with ground chicken, mushrooms, onions, peppers
Water                   approx. 96 oz.
Tomorrow will look much better as far as the quantity I will be eating.  How much food can you really fit in a 6 hour window…not very much.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 1 down...30 to go!

Today was a tough day.  I stuck to my fast and during the times I was supposed to eat I did great!  I’m feeling pretty down; my anxiety is high today.  A little bit of everything got to me today.  Work, money, one of my boys being disappointed, Joe’s performance, Nick’s Latin, projects, feeling like I’m being disregarded by some…everything seems to be happening all at once. It was the type of day where I just gave in to almost everything.  I gave up to easily on a few things.  I felt like I just didn’t have whatever was needed to get through.
The best part about today is that through all this I was able to stay on track.  I didn’t stray from my fast or my eating plan all day.  That’s a huge accomplishment for me when I’m feeling this way.  What a way to start Day 1 of this 31 day plan I have.
The even better than the best part of the day was the time I spend with my boys celebrating Valentine’s Day.  They bought me a HUGE thing of chocolate.  Ok so it was double chocolate whey protein but that could not have been more perfect J
Here’s what I ate today:
12:00 PM             2 turkey burgers, 1 cup mushrooms sautéed in olive oil seasoned with pepper, ¾ cup Lettuce, 8 oz. prune juice
4:00                        5 oz. turkey breast
4:30                        Protein Shake
6:45                        6 oz. grilled chicken, ½ grilled cup asparagus
Water                   approx. 96 oz.
Definitely not enough food but it was a fasting day so I’m ok with that.  I stuck to the plan I came up with; more veggies and very little fruit.  I feel good about what I accomplished with my eating today.
My work out on the other hand, not so good. I expected it to be below average but not as bad as it was.  I was a bit weak from the way I ate, I was not very motivated and my anxiety, even during my workout was getting to me.  I kept having heart palpitations that made my chest feel heavy and completely threw my breathing off.  We started the workout with an Indian Run which was accompanied by a medicine ball. I was exhausted just from that.  Usually after a workout I feel wonderful.  It usually eliminates my anxiety and almost all my stress.  Instead I went into a coughing fit that lasted about 45 minutes. I didn’t make it to the rowing machine this morning, hopefully tomorrow morning I will be able to get on it before work.
I’m looking forward to a new day tomorrow.  I know when I wake up in the morning I will feel the accomplishments I made today even more.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Here we go again…and I am ready to go! The fast has begun.  It started later then I planned but that’s ok.  I started at 7PM, will end at 1PM.  I’ll eat lots of great meats and proteins until 7PM Monday then back to fasting until 1PM Tuesday.  It should be fine, I may feel it during my workout at 1 on Tuesday but I’ll eat right after that.
I spent a good part of the day preparing.  Stuffed cabbage, sautéed mushrooms, steamed broccoli and carrots, turkey burgers-prep works makes it so much easier.
What going to be the tough part of the first full day.  I am PMSing beyond belief…bad timing to start this but, oh well, will there ever really be a “good” time.  My poor husband, for Valentine’s Day, will get a crankey, PMSing, fasting wife…let’s see how well he holds up.
We had a pretty good weekend for the most part.  Things were off today.  Joe is struggling getting a few words right in his script and Nick is struggling with Homework.  There has been lots of stress just from those two things this weekend.  Both boys had meltdowns, no thanks to their parents.  It’s so hard to handle these situations properly when you want your children to succeed.  But by the end of the day both boys were on track and happy.  We’ll see how Joe does at rehearsal tomorrow night.  Hopefully he’ll do well and won’t end up losing his part to his understudy.  Nick will have a Latin quiz on Tuesday.  Poor guy struggles with so many things and of all the languages it’s mandatory that he take Latin.
Justin was with his friend Bentley last night and all day today.  It’s so much fun when he comes home.  He gives hugs and smiles like he’s been out of town for weeks.  He is doing great with basketball this season and he is excited about baseball season coming up.
That’s it for tonight.  I’ll have lots to share tomorrow after I complete 1 full day. I just hope I remember that I want to row in the morning…I’m so afraid I’m going to forget J

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Been out of touch for a while…been doing lots of thinking and planning.  Since I started this blog my head has been clear; cleared of almost everything that has left some kind of scar.  I didn’t know what else to share; I’ve been at a loss for sad stories…why is this?  Probably because I don’t feel sad.  I’m not feeling sorry for me anymore.  I’ve learned to accept things and forgive myself and I am moving forward.
It’s a great feeling!  I see and feel a difference in myself, my attitude, my perspective, and my relationships.  My eating is back on track…I’m so excited about that.  I am in control of myself and most importantly, my emotions. 
So, with all that said, I am going to challenge myself. For a while now I’ve known that the Paleo Diet has been the best way of eating for me yet I can’t stay on it 100% for more than 3 weeks.  Not only am I going to force myself to stay faithful to Paleo for over 30 days, I am going to eliminate the foods that keep me hanging on to it.  Here’s the big plan beginning Sunday, February 13th, ending March 15th.
·         Clean eating, nothing processed, no grains, no dairy (sniff, sniff)
·         Barely any fruit.  Fruit was always my saving grace on Paleo.  I’m looking forward to see how much of a difference this will make.
·         EAT MORE VEGGIES.  I am such a slacker when it comes to this.  Thank God for TJ and his amazing ability to grill asparagus.
·         Cut down on eggs; one a day.  I usually have 2 a day, that’s 14 a week…Yikes!
·         No pork for 31 days…another downfall of mine.
·         Intermittent fasting beginning Sunday at 6PM ending Tuesday at 12PM for the next 5 weeks.
·         In addition to regular workouts, get up early in the morning and hop on the rowing machine and do 1500 meters at least 3 times a week.
·         Consistently take fish oil (cause there’s nothing like fish burps to get you through the day)
·         Daily Blog of meals, water intake, workouts, feelings, emotions and whatever else pops up during the day. 
There are a few reasons why I’m doing this.  The main reason is that I have always attributed my horrible eating habits to my emotions.  Now that I believe I have let much go and I am feeling better, I want to see how much better I can handle this way of eating.
I really need to continue to make progress so I can get the rest of this weight off.  The next time I weigh will be on March 16th, my 45th birthday.  I want to see something great when I look at that scale. I’m not setting my expectations high at all, as a matter of fact; I don’t have a set amount that I want to lose during this time.  I just want to make decent progress; that would be great for me.
This is the plan; hopefully I can remember all this. It will be tough but I believe in myself, I can do this.  Its only 31 days, how bad could it be?  Anyone want to join me?