Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Me and My Bright Ideas...

So I had this “bright” idea to, since I am struggling with my running, use the running plan I have and just row it.  I figured that should be easy enough…HOLY CRAP!  My first row, which was where I left off on the plan when I was running, was for 20 minutes.  I’m not so sure I did well, I only went 2850 meters.  My poor legs were burning, I had to stop and shake them out a little bit, but considering I haven’t rowed in a while I think I may have done ok.  I’m looking more forward to the interval workouts…I think haha.
I was excited, that although I was hurting, the tingling and numbness didn’t get too much worse.  That is my biggest problem with running.  It seems instant, although I’m sure it’s not, that my entire leg begins to tingle then after a few minutes my leg feels so heavy.  It’s not that I can’t run; it immediately gets into my head, I think about it the entire time, then I get winded because I am not controlling my breathing.
Here is something really weird.  Never before have any of my teeth broke or chipped.  Within the last month I broke 2; one just broke the other day.  I’m not sure why or if it means anything.   I know my dentist has been on my case about getting some kind of mouth guard to sleep with.  He said I clinch my teeth so hard that it’s causing stress fractures…I guess that’s what it’s from.
I feel good today, I am really pleased that I’m not obsessing and waiting by the phone for the Neurologist to call.  I’m taking most things a day at a time and some other things by the minute or the hour. 

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