Tuesday, March 20, 2012

and the pain is gone once again...

Thank you Mr. Chiropractor for getting rid of that horrible pain I was in Sunday and Monday.  What a relief!! I was so afraid it was going to stick around for a while...2 days was more than enough.  I've been feeling pretty great all day.  My back feels good and my head is clear.

I called the neurologist, who is giving me a second opinion, to see if he reached a conclusion yet.  He needed to see the MRI to confirm the MS.  If the lesion is on an area of my brain that would cause my knee to be numb than he would confirm the diagnosis.  If it is not, he said we would have other problems haha...thanks!  Anyway, a friend of mine dropped the CD off last Tuesday.  Who ever took it didn't log it in and it cant be found <sigh> I need to call them back tomorrow to give them a description of the person who accepted the disk so they can search for it.  HOPEFULLY they will locate it so the doctor can read it and give me his decision.

Speaking of numb knees...unfortunately my right leg is now numb from the middle of my thigh to the bottom of my foot; so frustrating.  I'm thinking it may have gotten worse for the same reason that caused my back pain.

I'm excited about tomorrow...Melissa, a friend of hers and her trainer are coming to Charleston to do s photo shoot on the beach.  We are going to meet for lunch afterwards.  Melissa is that wonderful person that God dropped down right next to me in the corral right before we started our half marathon.  I am really looking forward to seeing her and catching up on things.

I am seriously considering going to the midnight showing of the Hunger Games Thursday night with Nick, his friend Cray and his mom.  I will need to either take off of work or go in late haha...I am that wimpy.  But, it should be lots of fun so we'll see if I can stay up that late.

Everything is going so well lately.  Everyone is happy in the household, work is busy, workouts are going okay, and the clean eating is going awesome...what more could I ask for?  Oh yeah, I could ask for the neurologist to hurry up and find my images so he can tell me I DO NOT have MS.

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