Friday, September 2, 2011


I received an email today that I am very excited about!  For a while now I have felt compelled to become involved with some sort of charity; having done this before I was unsure if I should go back to one that I previously worked with or if I should find something new.  Well, over the past couple of years I’ve developed a passion for something that has completely transformed me in so many ways (can you guess what that would be?J)
I wasn’t quite sure where to begin; I looked into charities to get involved with through work, thought about going back with Habitat for Humanity, talked about doing a fundraiser with others, but nothing ever really happened…clearly it wasn’t supposed to be.
Well, when we were at MUSC for Justin’s appointment last week, his doctor recommended I contact and organization that works with kids who are obese. I called them to get more information only to find out we don’t qualify for the program because of our income.  So at that point I knew the organization couldn't help me, but could I help them?  Why not? Organizations like that are always looking for volunteers, right? RIGHT!
She went on to tell me that they need volunteers to do all kinds of stuff; nothing that had to do with working directly with the kids though.  I told her that’s what I wanted.  So she told me about 2 programs they have.  One is underway and on-going and the other was still up in the air.  They were waiting for a date and school to hold the program at.  This is a portion of what she e-mailed me today:
Hi Maria, thank you for your call this week and your email. And bless you for your truthful story and desire to give back. You would be great to give testimonial to our kids. As we talked about on the phone, we have a few options for volunteers – 1 – Run Buddies (on-going) or 2 – Fit Club (2 starting in January). If you would be interested in trying to fit a night a week at Fit Club into your schedule, I will send you to our Program Director for that and y’all will work together to come up with a plan. If Run Buddies interests you, you sign up directly on the web site and I believe we touched on Saturday morning workouts on the phone...? We haven’t decided anything on the when and where moving forward with that yet so have nothing to share. :-)
How great is this!  I can’t wait to find out what the next step is.  I responded and told her I wanted to get involved with The Fit Club program and Saturday morning workouts so now I am waiting to hear what it is I need to do to prepare and plan.  Here’s the link for some information on the Fit Club…
Today has been a great day.  I’m so grateful that this opportunity has popped up and I’m praying it all works out.  I think I may gain as much out of this if not more, than the kids.  I am so grateful to God for what he has blessed me with and even more grateful that I am in place in my life where I now recognize how blessed I truly am.

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