Sunday, September 4, 2011

It's been quite a day.  We started with baseball practice for Justin...he did great!  I'm so proud of him.  We headed home and cleaned the house a bit, showered, then headed out for a sweet little boy's birthday party.  After that it was back to the house, a friend stopped by, we watched a real sweet movie called "Something Borrowed" then talked and cried.  Much sadness is on the horizon for a dear family; praying so hard for a miracle.

Having hip pain throughout yesterday and today.  It's not a steady pain but more of a quick stabbing pain.  I think I just may be falling apart haha.  I tried to run last night but it wouldn't work, there was pain and I was worried about making it worse. 

Keeping so many in my prayers tonight, especially one sweet child. 

1 comment:

  1. hey maria,
    this is cathy (shanells mom)
    i had/have hip pain, right by the hip bone. it turned out to be bursitis in the hip. it comes and goes. when it flairs up you just rest it for a day or two and than you can get back at it. if i don't rest it, it will continue until i do. i can go a month or two between the resting. nothing really you can do about.
    you are doing great.
