Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'm So Grateful I Have No Shame In What I Believe In...

Been a bit detached lately; too much has been going on and I needed to break away.  I do want to share this though.  I've found, over the past few months, that being vocal or posting things about our spiritual beliefs, connections, activities, etc. can have a huge impact on the lives of others; even those we don't even know.  Here's a message I received from a friend of mine regarding a post I made on her wall:

Hi Lady, a very old and dear friend from Indiana just wrote me a letter (snail mail and all) and told me she saw your post on my page about Battlefield of the Mind. She went and bought the book and is now on chapter 9. She thinks this book was written just for her :-):-) . She hasn't been to church in years, if ever. But is now searching for that right place to grow spiritually. She said her kids had been after her for years to go to church but she never acted on it. A simple FB post moved her to seek God and healing of some very wounded parts in her spirit. Her letter brought tears to my eyes as I was reminded of how God uses us, quite often without our own knowledge.... Have a great weekend. Much love to you, Hope

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic news to share Maria! Warms the soul with good news :)
