Friday, December 30, 2011

“You must trust and believe in people or life becomes impossible.” (Ummm, WRONG!)

It's the end of the year...thinking and thinking...over thinking? Possibly, but its something I need to do to prepare for 2012.  2011 was a pretty profound year...learned more then I wanted to about myself.  Learned even more about others...there were many disappointments once again but much more happiness then ever before.

I wish when I say it was a profound year it was all positive...all the things that "came to light" weren't good things.  In almost seems like when I set out to do a good thing, whether it was for myself or someone else, it sort of back fired on me.  Maybe 2011 was a year of "testing".  I hope I passed...I'm still standing and I haven't quit yet...well not completely...just kind of stalled for a little while. So,  I'm taking all my negatives from 2011, evaluating them and turning them around for 2012.

So for 2012 what will I need to change...hmmm...well for one I need to start believing in myself...and not put all of my belief in someone else.  It such a false sense of security to completely believe in and trust someone.  This almost sounds like I regressed or I'm bitter...I don't think so...I think I just re-learned a tough lesson.  Sadly enough, I'm sure I'm not the only one who has felt this way, re-evaluated things and learned to trust and believe again, then realized doing so was a foolish thing to do. 

If there was one lesson I learned from others it was this:
“Using friendship for opportunity, instead of embracing the opportunity in friendship, only hurts the person who thought they found a true friend.” ~Yours truly


  1. Hope SteenMaria Bontempo-Brennan
    I know you subscribe to this site. (cuz I copied it from you!) When I saw their status update this morning, it reminded me of you...especially after your recent blog update. :-) Love you girlie.

    Metabolic Effect:
    "The first thing to understand about making a lifestyle change is that you must relish the failures. Change involves learning and practice. Along the way there are always mistakes, miscues, and failures. Without them, there is no opportunity to reevaluate, adjust and get better. The idea of being perfect is a myth, so give it up. The greatest successes are often generated from the biggest failures."

    Maria Bontempo-Brennan: PERFECT Hope. Thank you!

  2. Great post and I love the comment from Hope Steen!

    When we make changes, it can be very difficult to see the changes that happen. The friends that were once our most trusted confidants becoming people we hardly know anymore. The truth is we have to believe in ourselves and be true to ourselves. True friends will always be with us and those who are not so true will weed themselves out. You are an amazing woman and there are amazing things ahead for you in 2012. And you, like me, get hurt when people we invested time in don't pan out the way that we think it should, but perhaps it is for our benefit that they fall out of our lives. Perhaps they were not meant to help us in our journeys?? Thanks for always being an inspiration!!
