Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I needed to give myself a pep talk today...It worked.

Hurting quite a bit today...I went to the chiropractor first thing this morning.  He told me I was "all twisted up".  The hip flexers on my right side were a mess.  The left side was good AND he was very happy with how much my hips loosened up, but those damn hip flexers are causing all kinds of grief.  As he was working on my back I could feel the pulling in the front area right above my thigh.  It hurt so much but I could feel the relief.  He's happy with my progress, he tells me to keep doing what I'm doing.  Even though I'm hurting he's not restricting me he just wants me to do what I can...which I appreciate.  The last thing I want him to tell me is to not do something. 

I'm still adjusting to the way I feel before, during, and after working out.  Most days when I am uncomfortable I work out  then feel much better.  Some days it just doesn't work out that way for whatever reason.  Today, with my friend Jennifer, I did 168 sprawls then walked 3 miles.  It was really tough...we had to stop walking at one point and alls I felt was this annoying tingling sensation from my hips to my toes.  The area that is the worst is the knee of my right leg.  It's always tingly; I just have to make sure I am aware of what I'm doing and how much pressure I put on it so I don't hurt it.

I have been disgusted for months over the fact that I was doing so well and now I'm struggling.  On the flip side of that...I'm grateful that, although the pain can be bad, it does get better.  It never goes away, but I do believe I can manage it.  If I had to live the rest of my life this way, I will be fine...there's nothing I can't do or prepare myself for within time. I believe that with eating right, exercising with good form, and having a positive attitude I will push through the tougher times and not allow the pain to stop me.  It may slow me down at times...and if it does, I will just have to push even harder.

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