Monday, May 30, 2011

Busy, busy, busy....Hmmm, where do I begin...

TJ and I were ready this weekend to take on “the house”.  Our plan was to put a floor down in the spare room, paint doors and trim upstairs hall way, cut back trees, bushes, etc. in the back yard.  Well 2 out of 3 isn’t so bad…well maybe 1 ½ out of 3 isn’t bad. 
We never made it outside, we had too much going on inside so we will tackle the backyard next weekend.  We started with painting…the trim and the doors are done!  Looks great; so nice and clean…no dirty hand prints J  We had to paint 5 doors, that’s what took so long since we took them down, painted one side then flipped it to pain the other…SUCCESS.
Next was the floor in the spare room…SUCCESS…NOT as TJ put it, EPIC FAIL!  We had lots of flooring left over from when we did the living/dining room/foyer a few years ago.  It’s been sitting in the garage for about 4 years, so we decided to lay it in the spare room.  We thought we would have enough to do the entire room.  As we were doing it, we realized we were going to come up short.  So we went to Home Depot to see if they had anything that match or would work with what we had…of course they did not.  So we decided to do a section of the room, that’s more of an alcove, in a different type of flooring.  So we purchased everything we needed and headed home to finish up.
We got back home and went back to work on the floor only to find out we would be about 2 rows short of flooring…UGH!!!  So we stopped and decided this may be a good time to add that closet and shelves we talked about doing for years.  A lot of TJ’s blood, sweat and tears (literally) went into that floor that fell short.  So, for now, we will keep that door closed and come up with a plan C.
Justin had a few big moments this weekend!  His swimming has improved so much!  He kept going under water to see how long he could hold his breath and he held it longer each time he did it.  He was touching the bottom of the pool with his hand and, the most exciting part for him and us; he was jumping and swimming in the 5’ section of the pool.  Although this may not seem very exciting for the average 9 year old, it is a great accomplishment for Justin.  He was beaming with confidence this weekend.  I am so proud of him.  Joe was great with him, he explained things to him, encouraged him and took lots of time and had lots of patience with him.
What’s up with the running?  Well, I spent lots of time this weekend watching videos on the best running techniques.  I think I learned lots and may even have it down.  When I run I am pushing off from my heel and stomping when I land.  It’s really quite messy to watch and it’s pretty uncomfortable, painful to the lower back, and exhausting.  The style of running I focused on this weekend is about pulling the leg up, not pushing off, and using the forefoot not the heal.  I can definitely feel the difference; it seems to be more comfortable.  At some point, according to the videos, this style of running should eliminate the exhaustion I feel since it’s a much more efficient method.
So, with all that said.  I did a 5 mile walk/run this weekend that went pretty well and throughout the weekend I worked on this new method of running.  The top of my left foot is hurting a bit, but I think that’s from starting off with one way of running then accidently transitioning into the old way. 

I’m still feeling great about the half marathon!  I am registered, have my hotel room reserved, and have tentative plans on arrival and departure.  I know a group of people who are doing this but I have been able to convince a few others to join in.  It’s going to be quite an experience for me.
My eating has been great!  TJ and I are planning and having great Paleo meals together.  We enjoyed a cheat with some cookies but did not go overboard nor did we continue it.  We planned it, we had it, then we were right back on track.  Doing this together has made a world of difference for me.  I’m so grateful that we are able to do this together!
Tomorrow its back to the regular schedule and workouts.  That will only last for the next 4 days than starting next Monday my work schedule will change which will trigger everything else to change for the summer.  It should be an interesting change and I am really looking forward to it. 
Finally, Joe is graduating elementary school this Thursday (sniff, sniff).  We are all very excited!  He will also be turning 11 that day.  I can’t believe how quickly these years go by.  So, from June 2nd until July 6th I will have 2 eleven year old boys J  Love that!

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