From the second I woke up I was moving. Got some much needed work done in the backyard, started back there about 8 AM but needed to stop due to baseball practice at 10. Got to the field, did a workout with Valerie, who forewarned me that we were doing ¼ mile sprints, watch the boys scrimmage, went for a mani/pedi, then TJ Maxx and Marshalls, then back home to mow the front yard, shower and head to Blackbaud for a fundraiser. A very busy and blessed day.
We had a great time this evening with great friends. It was so nice to spend time with everyone and see others we have not seen for a while. We had lots of laughs tonight; for the rest of my life I will remember the “F” and “W” story and laugh every time I think about it J
Something that is awkward for me is receiving compliments. A few people complimented me on how good they think I look. I am so grateful that they share those thoughts with me especially since it something that’s hard for me to see. At the same time, I am uncomfortable receiving compliments because I don’t feel what they see. I am still waiting for the day that I feel pretty. Clearly it’s not time for me to; I’m not sure when it will happen or if it ever will but if it does happen and if it feels the way I can only imagine it will, it will be an amazing day for me.
We have our first softball game tomorrow. TJ and I are excited to play. The gentleman who was doing my pedicure today was kind enough to point out the big bump and pretty purple bruise on my leg today that I got at softball practice last week….as if I didn’t notice J One of the guys at work, who plays on our team, told me he wants to see me hit a homerun…haha…sure no problem, I’ll try my best.
There is a guy at work who commented me on my weight loss Friday. I pass him every time I go to our workout area. He was walking behind me and he told me that he can really see a difference. Don’t get me wrong, it’s weird to hear this knowing someone is looking at your backside and saying this, yet it makes me smile whenever someone comments on my weight loss when they are walking behind me because I know that’s the area (really large area) that I need to lose in the most.
Anyway…I was excited to see the stats of my blog. I wish I knew if this was impacting others than those I know of. It’s very interesting to see where the people are who are reading my blog. There are people from the US, Canada, UK, China, Denmark, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Italy, and Japan.
In any case, this blog and seeing those stats have been very humbling for me. I haven’t had an outlet to pour my heart out to for a little while now. I’m, unfortunately, the type of person who needs to “dump” my feelings out, talk them out, and I need some kind of feedback from someone. Thank you for “listening” and allowing me to express myself and get things off my chest, for laughing with me and crying with me. As I’m sure all of you may know, it is not the same as having one person sitting right next to you listening and consoling, and caring and helping you find direction, but it is very comforting and extremely meaningful.
I wonder what everyone thinks, especially those from other countries. I wonder most about the person in Japan; I can’t help but think if that person is okay. I’ve prayed for that person, as I have for everyone in Japan who has been affected by the recent, tragic events, but there’s something different about that one person, that I don’t even know. That person knows something about me (well probably a lot more than something) and I can’t help but to feel there is some kind of odd connection to that person. Does that make any sense at all to anyone haha. And I can't help but wonder if I might be related to the person from Italy...hey, ya never know.
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