It’s been a while; life has gotten very complex for me lately. I’ll start with the diet; it hasn’t gone as I planned. It’s not bad, just not as I planned. I was hoping to get through tomorrow perfectly but wasn’t able to. I’ve been over analyzing what went wrong and it always comes back to emotions and lack of planning. I spoke to Nicole who seems to do well with Paleo. We talked about how to get through emotional times and the dreaded week or so of PMSing. She told me she will indulge in Paleo approved foods. I will be working that into my way of life now. There are so many little things that need to be conquered to get this straight.
I’m going to try something new with Paleo. Well “new” isn’t the right word, I’m going to follow someone’s lead. This person has been on a quest to do Paleo with absolutely not cheats and has been successful. He’s going to be working with 100 people through email and I was lucky enough to be 1 of his 100. We received our first email last night with some insight to his program. Here’s what he has in mind for us:
· How to go 30, 50, 90 (or hell a crazy YEAR) 100% Paleo... and make it look easy!
· 820 meals 100% Paleo (when all is said and done)
· Difference between Paleo -Paleo for Athletes- Paleo Solution- Primal ideologies and which of these works best for what reason
· How to integrate the 4 Hour Body tricks (and what does actually work)
· Gourmet recipes that are Paleo AND fast
· How to shop Paleo
· How to eat out Paleo (and what to specifically ask for at any restaurant)
· How to avoid crap eating traps (and friends honestly)
· How to plan your week to be successful
I may find out that I know more than I think; but what I may learn is how to put it all together. I’m determined to get this craziness that Brent introduced me to; he somehow knew that this was the best lifestyle change for me and I absolutely agree. When I am faithful to the Paleolithic way of eating I feel great! My skin is clear, I think better, I’m not bloated, in fact, my entire digestive system feels differently, and actually works, as long as my meats and veggies are well balanced. The only negative factor I experience is with my workouts. I feel like I can’t get them to the intensity they need to be. I do think once I get this way of life all sorted out it the intensity will be there. It’s just so damn hard to change the messy, toxic way I’ve been living.
So, with all that said, I’m not planning on weighing Wednesday as originally planned. For one, it won’t be the best time of the month for me to weigh; feeling way to bloated and I don’t want to be discouraged. I was excited yesterday; we had our first softball practice and a couple of the ladies on the team commented on my weight loss. Last week during baseball practice Stephanie commented on my weight loss as well and we had a good talk about what we are both doing to reach our goals. Conversations like these are always so encouraging and make me want to keep moving forward. Although I feel like I’m failing at this at times I don’t want to give up. In fact, I don’t think there is anything I’ve failed so much at yet I keep getting back up to give it another shot. I WILL make this work for me J
All my anxiety came from something I was dreading for years. I never thought the day would come but it finally did (DAMN IT!) I was talking with my friend Jennifer about her son being bullied on the bus. I was so upset for him and her. We had a meeting at school with Nick’s teachers Wednesday. The Asst. Principal told us he had to suspend a boy from school and the bus because he bullied Nick. For some reason it felt like an out of body experience. As time went on and as I drove home it became more real to me. With each passing minute I became angry. I didn’t know what to do.
When we got home we asked Nick about it and he said he wasn’t bullied. That made me even more upset. I felt that he couldn’t come to us and was so worried that he would become a target because he wouldn’t defend himself.
I received an email from a friend who asked me to call someone whose name I didn’t recognize. It was the mom of the young boy who was suspended. It turns out that we know the parents from elementary school. They are great people. We talked about the incident and we are all feeling very positive about it.
I was still very upset that Nick didn’t say anything about the situation. I received an email from the Asst. Principal that it was done behind Nicks back. Nick must have been buried in his DS with ear buds on and didn’t realize what was going on. I have never been so thankful for the DS. Nick is such a loving boy. He sees nothing but good in people and I was so afraid this would change the way he views others and more importantly himself.
We are in the process of meeting with professionals on how to present Asperger’s Syndrome to Nick. We want to do it in the most positive way. We don’t want him to feel like there is something wrong with him, there simply is not. He is an amazing child who needs a few accommodations because his thought process is different than some others. I checked his grades this morning online. He has mostly A’s and just 2 B’s…how awesome is that? I’m so proud of that boy. I truly wouldn’t want him to be any other way; I just love him so.