Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The day went pretty well and I'm excited to say, it was Jackass free.  I can't remember anyone aggravating me today.  Things seemed to go pretty smooth and it was just as productive as it was yesterday.

I did my two workouts today at work.  30 minute workout, 15 minutes of mobility stuff, then another 30 minutes.  It wasn't too bad, the workouts were pretty simple and went quickly.  So much so that we added on to them. 

Today was Day 2 of that darn fast.  I did well all day but broke down and ate dinner.  I was starving!  I had a very healthy dinner...no regrets here!  I weighed myself this morning and lost four and a half pounds.  I;m excited about the loss but not so sure I could go 3 full days doing something like this.

I got caught up in homework again and looking for a my sons book he lost so I wasn't able to get things done AGAIN tonight.  I lost it on my 13 year old; yes I flipped out (since he is so sweet he is exempt from Jackass status) and he is without his Xbox for now.  He was stunned and upset and although I was upset I am just too tired to deal with the same thing over and over again after a long day at work.

That's about it for tonight...until next time.

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