Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Is there really anything wrong with being in bed at 7PM?

I have been so sleepy lately...just one of those things I can't seem to shake.  My poor husband isn't feeling well and has been running a fever.  Looks like he may have aught something over the weekend.  There are a few kids who where, and still are, sick over the weekend during the performance.  So, he is resting and I am fighting to keep my eyes open so I don't wake up at 2AM.

My plan, as far a diet and exercise goes, is to have a GREAT February!  So far I am off to a good start and everything seems to be falling into place.  The eating has been great; been prepping and sticking to what I'm planning out.  My workout today was close to pretty good.  It was tough but I got through it.  I am hurting now...I have that pretty great soreness going on which I can deal with; it's the back pain the throws me for a loop...that I don't want and can absolutely do without.  Certain exercises seem to get to it more than others so I really just need to smile though it.

I am very excited about starting up strength training.  The plan is to get into 2 strength workouts a week.  I'm really hoping this will be what I need to boost my confidence a bit more and keep me going.  So starting this week I will have 3 regular workouts, 2 strength workouts, and a walk/run in there somewhere.  I am slowly but surely getting back to everything I was doing when I had success.

Other areas of my life are peaceful right now.  There are things happening around me that are upsetting; I pray for people and situations regularly, but I am not letting the situations others are in consume me.  I am empathetic and I will do what I can to help anyone but I had to do something with the emotions that overwhelm me.

Another thing I realized is that I am not allowing others to get the best of me.  I'm more aware now then ever, that things I blamed myself for and beat myself up about were never all me.  I have beat myself up many times for situations that came up.  It is just too exhausting haha...I can't do it anymore.  If a situation begins to get out of hand, negative, abusive, whatever...you get the point...I need to step away from it or just drop it.  I am less of a problem than I think I am haha.

Well we shall see how successful this month is for me...I pray that I can maintain this outlook and that my life remains peaceful...I really believe with these 2 things I will have the success I'm hoping for.

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