I'm so confused about the way I feel lately. I don't know what's related to the herniated disk, the MS, or what's in my head. My back still feels sore at times, but for the most part its better. The chiropractor says I'm doing well and is telling me to do more in my workouts with each visit....okay granted my trainer is beating him to the punch almost every time, but in any case, there's progress, good progress. So does this mean the numbness and tingling I feel is from the MS or from the disk?
We were at the Coastal Carolina Fair Friday night and I felt like I was getting bitten on the side of my leg over and over. Not the same spot but the same area. It sort of felt like I was being pricked with a pin. It was really getting to me. Today the numbness in my right leg is better; it gets a bit better every day but there's tingling in my left leg now to. Is it bad, not really. It's managable, but what's it from?
I was convinced that the the MS was just a lucky catch when I was having back issues. I didn't think I was having any symptoms but now I'm doubting that. I was talking to someone who personally has experience with MS; she sent me an email yesterday asking how I was doing with the cold. Am I supposed to be having problems with the cold? My chiropractor told me my nerves would "act up" from the cold but I thought that was because of the herniated disk; did he mean the MS?
I almost can't read any more about this; my head is spinning. I hate to ask too much about it since it seems like every one's experience with it is different and the experts can't be specific. This is not a good disease to have when your an "I just have to know" type of person.
I couldn't help but cry at church today as I prayed begging God for strength and understanding so I could figure out how to mentally, emotionally, and physically get a grip on this diagnosis.
I was talking to a friend at work last week; she said, "I'm so sorry you have to go through this now, it seems like so much has been going on in your life lately". I couldn't help but laugh as I responded, "Hopefully God knows that Blogger and Facebook will only take so many characters when blogging or posting and this will be it."
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