Well it’s been a while. Where did we leave off? What was I doing last…oh yes, training for a half marathon. Wow…the half is in less than 2 weeks. We are heading down to Savannah the Friday before. I am so looking forward to it. My training was successful, my weight loss was great, and my workouts were awesome. Then came the numbness…oh crap, that’s right. I can’t run the half, I haven’t trained in over a month. Feeling pretty angry about that.
What a HUGE disappointment; I’m still struggling with the fact that the way I pictured this half marathon has completely fallen apart. Talk about setting yourself up for disappointment. I was still hoping I would be able run, at least part of the way but it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.
What in the world happened? Well it started one day with numbness in my thigh. By the next day my entire leg was numb. Headed to the urgent care center where they told me a disk was compressed. So I started to see the chiropractor; in less than a week my left foot began to go numb so my chiropractor and I agreed we needed to see my neurologist. I was able to get an appointment within a day. He wanted to send me for an MRI on my back and brain. Within a week I had my MRI and the results confirmed I had a herniated disk. The MRI of the brain also came back with something’s that concerned my neurologist so he wanted to send me for a spinal tap.
Just the sounds of that, “spinal tap” sounds horrible. Well it really wasn’t too bad during the procedure. But it really wore me out for about 3 days. Waiting for the spinal tap results was torture. I finally found out the results just last Friday.
The doctor concluded, based on the test results and my legs being numb, that I have Multiple Sclerosis. Seriously, MS? "What a freak’n bummer. Now its decision making time.; how do we treat this? My doctor gave me a list of 4 injectables to research. I also asked if he had any patients who he treated with diet, which he did. He said he would support me with whatever decision I made and he would send me for another MRI in 6 months to see if the MS progressed in any way.
For the first few days my attitude was great. I thought, it is what it is, I’ll treat it with diet; I really thought I was okay with it. But for some reason over the last few days I’m not okay with it. I'm pretty pissed off. I don’t understand why this had to happen, especially when I was doing so darn well with my fitness progress.
Right now, even though I know I don’t want to take the shots, I am torn. I know I don’t want to give myself a shot each day, I hear that some people break out in a rash every time they inject themselves. I certainly don’t want to deal with any side effects. What’s the problem? Money for one; it would be easier for me to pay my $35 copay for the shots then lay out an extra $200 on perfectly clean food and I flat out just don’t want to deal with this!
I’m so confused; I have so much to think about and even more to pray about. I wasn’t ready for this, I wasn’t even expecting this. It came right out of left field...and now I have to change my life all over again...the good thing is, I know I’m capable of making the changes needed to beat this non-sense.