I can't even remember the last time I looked at my blog...it's been a while. So many things have changed in so many ways. Everything associated with my original journey is now non-existent. There are lots of great memories, great friendships formed, and, unfortunately, many "untruths" surfaced. But at the end of the day, I am a better person for the entire experience.
So why am I blogging today...not to complain by any means but to share the many blessings that have been dropping in front of us on, what seems to be, a regular basis. There have been so many wonderful little things that I may even forget to list them. I Praise God which each and every one of these.
Lets start with today. I had my annual MRI to check progression on my MS...Absolutely no change in my MRI at all! WOO HOO! We have been down to 1 car for months now. Although it has been an inconvenience it certainly hasn't been impossible. Our plan was to buy a used car mid November early December. Things were on track financially but as the time nears and I'm looking here and there for a car within our budget that's reliable I began thinking, "hmmm are we really going to be able to get something safe and reliable for the amount of money we have to spend?" Well, a gentleman we know approached TJ and told him he noticed he didn't have his car...then he went on to say that he just took his mother-in-laws car off the road. He asked TJ if he would be interested in it. He told TJ that he wanted to offer it to him first before he put it up for sale. Turns out the car is in our price range, it's an older model Chevy, 2001, BUT it only has 24,000 miles on. Isn't that crazy!! We are going to look at it this week and we are thrilled and beyond thankful that he thought of TJ first and approached him. Can I get an AMEN?!?
I was concerned about Justin's transition into middle school...as any mother would be. What made my concern greater was that he was going into a school he wanted nothing to do with. He so badly wanted to get into the same school Joe attends. The first 2-3 weeks was a struggle, he was not happy about the school, he hated the uniform, was up for hours doing excessive amounts of homework, etc. Now that the first 9 weeks have passed his grades are excellent, he is making friends, absolutely loves his teachers and his school. I asked him tonight to rate his school experience from 1 to 10, 10 being the highest. He responded, "Hmmmm, lets see, I give it a 9.9999999 aw heck, it's a 10!" Thank you God for that to!
Lets see...what else? Well our air broke and was out all summer. Heck, who has 5 grand sitting around to handover to get it fixed? Not us! AND after taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace class we are not about to charge things when we can make some temporary, much less expensive, "fixes". In this case, someone was kind enough to lend us a window unit that we put in one room and we purchased another unit for under $200; along with some fans and no blankets we were able to get through the summer comfortably. When TJ's car bit the dust we started driving to work together and sacrificing some of our extra curricular activities so whoever needed transportation most received it. There are other things regarding our faith, finances, our boys and our careers that are all contributing to our joy and excitement. Our blessings have been coming in all shapes and sizes, big and small. I am most grateful that we all are able to recognize them and thank God for the work he is doing in our lives through our friends, family, and co-workers.
Don't get me wrong, with all these blessings there are negatives; some things aren't going the way we want them to but we are so accepting of that...it's clearly because it's either not to be or not the right time. I believe a part of all this is reward for our patience, diligence, and our ability to now put our worries in God's hands.
With sharing this...It makes me want to start blogging again. I miss it...I miss sharing and the therapeutic side of it for me. As for the blog name...I just can't bring myself to change it. So, although this wide load has put on her half of what she lost, she will keep the blog name and hold onto to it with the hopes that it will live up to it's name once again.